Canine teeth and orthodontics

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Canine teeth and orthodontics

One of the most prominent types of malocclusion is high canines. The condition is characterized by the upper canines protruding outwards or being more apparent. This can instantly draw attention and cause a lot of embarrassment, making you feel more self-conscious and uncomfortable while conversing with people or posing for photos.

Lucky for us, Dr. Hesham Amer is an experienced orthodontist providing outstanding orthodontic care to the people residing in the Bay Area. He has treated several patients with high canines over his long-spanning career, delivering excellent results and a high rate of patient satisfaction.

What are the problems that we can face with canine teeth?

Canine teeth can grow in the wrong position sometimes. This is because of the troubled growth of teeth in the jaws, which can be detected in children around the ages of 10 to 14 years. For some people, certain types of teeth don’t emerge and canines can be one of them as this usually happens due to an inherited condition. This mostly happens due to the early loss of the baby or deciduous teeth. 

Misplaced canines can leave a lot of gap between the incisors and premolars. The presence of extra teeth, overcrowding and unusual growth on the soft tissue of the gums result in the development of impacted canines. It is very important to treat the impacted canine teeth, which otherwise could lead to more complications. There are many options for the misplaced canines which usually depend on the type and severity of the malocclusion. Your dentist or orthodontist will explain the available options to you.

What are the treatment options for impacted/misplaced canine teeth?

  • If overcrowding is the reason for your impacted canines then your dentist may recommend extraction of teeth. It is performed under local anesthesia by an experienced oral surgeon.
  • Orthodontic braces may be fitted on the dental arch to create a space for the impacted canine in younger patients.
  • Many surgical options are available, which usually do not require an overnight stay. However, pain-relieving medication would be prescribed and post-treatment advice would be given for your recovery.
  • An oral surgeon may recommend transplantation of the buried tooth if the above-stated treatment is not possible. But, it requires enough space between the impacted tooth and the other teeth.
  • Transplantation involves an operation for the removal of the deciduous tooth (if present), removal of the canine and careful replacement in the correct position

Call our practice in the Bay Area or schedule an online appointment to know more about canine teeth removal.

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